Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2012 - A Disappointment.

With Great Expectation I went to watch the movie 2012 and came back with a feeling of just another movie. Multiple threads of story, far from realistic failed to reflect the agony of people in front of death. Hey, I got it... the emotions are missing.

World may or may not end in 2012. But sure mine and your world would end one day. Does anyone know the date and time?

Respect the life and live it full!

"Anathm Ajnatham Avarnaneeyam Eeloka Golam Thriyunna Margam"
Athilegdioridutthu Irkikkunna Marthyan Kathayenthu kandu"

Translated as:

Idefinite,Unknown and Inexplicable are the ways of this planet.
What does the man know sitting in a distant corner?

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